Click Show Profiles and type a name for the profile. Step #2 – Create new Outlook profile (Windows 7) The value displayed will be the host name you saw in the first set of steps. Get-Mailbox -Identity user_name | select ExchangeGUID. $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection. $LiveCred = Get-Credential (use your ADMIN credentials). Open PowerShell and enter the following commands:. If you do not have auto-discover enabled: You should see a value that looks something like This is your host name - you'll need this later, so copy and paste it into Notepad or write it down. Here's a quick guide that walks you through the process of manually configuring Outlook for Office 365, on both Windows 7 and 8. This is especially handy if you encounter issues with auto-discover attempting to connect to the Exchange server. However, we haven't really touched on manual configurations of Outlook. We talk a lot about automated deployments of Outlook, and how easy this process is made through solutions such as DeploymentPro. Over the last 25 years, I’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of my friends and neighbors get the most sparkling carpets and rugs they’ve ever seen.Learn more about manual Outlook configurations and BitTitan's DeploymentPro tool in this updated post. Share to: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email About The Author Uninstalling Office will not delete any Outlook data. In fact, it will leave most, if not all, your settings intact as well.
What happens if I uninstall Outlook? Reinstalling Outlook won't delete any email, contacts, calendar items, etc… just like reinstalling Word won't delete any Word documents.
We can help if you forgot your Microsoft account or password. Just go to the Microsoft account, Services & subscriptions page and sign in using the Microsoft account that you used to buy Office. How do I reinstall Microsoft Office without product key? Do I need a product key to reinstall Office? No, you don't. But, in a few cases, such as for application compatibility testing, you might need to keep a previous version installed for a limited time while you transition to the new version. Do I need to uninstall previous version of Office? We recommend that you uninstall any previous versions of Office, including Visio and Project, before installing the newer version.